Solar For All: New Haven 2024 Celebration Recap
PosiGen concluded its year-long 'Solar For All' campaign in collaboration with the City of New Haven, yet the significant efforts within the community continue.

SJF invests across multiple initiatives to address climate change and broaden access to the energy transition economy.
Founded in 1999 as the “Sustainable Jobs Fund,” protecting our planet is core to SJF’s strategy. Affordable, clean energy has been a long-standing focus of SJF’s investments, drawing on decades of experience and an interest in investing in the “nuts and bolts” that enable a clean transition. In the 25+ years since our inception the climate crisis has worsened, and SJF continues to explore new approaches to address climate change head on, including catalyzing emerging carbon mitigation capabilities and developing climate adaptation solutions.
Portfolio companies in SJF’s latest funds are facilitating the expansion of affordable solar, enabling the development of green hydrogen, enhancing the testing of vital battery technologies, and improving the execution of nature-based carbon markets.
Invest in clean energy innovation and implementation while lowering the cost of entry for a more equitable energy transition.
Promote the ongoing development of new solutions to combat the climate crisis.
Enhance climate adaptation and create a just transition that supports the resilience of vulnerable communities.